
Nickname: KennyChidorie
Orientation: straight
Character: irascible


Like: silent on the sandbox, speak with people in real life, games. My sociability is for the real world, in most cases. In other cases, I prefer several virtual friends.
Joke and talk heart to heart with close friends.

Dislike: trolls, morons, jerks, griefers, capture of personal space, harassment of any nature (my personal life does not concern you). 
I dislike people who, during a serious conversation, try to fool around.
I dislike trolls. When you climb into my PM, you need to know the following:
1. I will ban you either silently.
2. Either I will answer you as you wrote me. And then you go to the blacklist.
3. I will begin to read you morality and call you a moron+blacklist.
I don't trolling. Moreover, I can answer in such a way that you consider my words to be rude.
Don't rush to call me a moron. I copy your behavior and reciprocate with you, no more. This is not trolling, I speak with you in your own language.
I don't feel angry, I don't laugh. I just simply answer you, throw you into the black list and forget about your existence. And if you will cause me problems to the best of your personal inadequacy, be prepared for the fact that many will know about you in a negative way.
A casual friendship is rejected.
I don’t like when someone running around my avatar at the sandbox. I will leave that location.
I don’t like standing in front of my avatar on purpose at the sandbox. 
I don't like when they inspect my avatar and climb to me personally at the sandbox. 
I don't like when, after reading the profile, strangers try to get into my soul.

I attack with verbally way in response to an attempt to invade my personal life. Strangers entrance is closed. I can hurt you. This is not due to self-doubt. I don't like how you act. I consider such an action by strangers as personal harassment of an unknown nature. I don't trust to strangers, so even if you report that you are intruding into my personal life with “good intentions”, it is likely that you will get a rude answer. Flirting, sexual offers are also unacceptable. Only with normal communication will you have a chance to be friends. But not more.

Activity: if you noticed my avatar naked in a common location, if on my behalf you were disturbed in PM about the suggestion of sex, the appearance of your avatar. It's not me. Find a way to contact me and provide me screenshots.

Real me:
1. I don't care about your appearance. I will not write to you about the fact that I consider your avatar a ugly or beautiful.
2. Most of the time I create and test content. At this time, my avatar is idle on locations. Most of the time, my avatar is worth it and does nothing. I can very rarely run, ride vehicles, test weapons, or perform actions of a different nature.
3. I attack in response. I don't touch peaceful people. In any case, my attacks are divided into two types:
-1. I can attack with weapons. I use target-guided weapons so as not to catch peaceful residents.
-2. I can attack you verbally.

Feminist, gay, lesbian, anyone from LGBT.
But any invasion of my personal space with an attempt to impose on me your personal opinion about my life, I see as an attack.

Necrophilia, pedophilia, sexual attraction to trees, animals, plants, and much more in this way.
I do not support terrorism and anything like this.

Внимание: я не ищу людей, разделяющих мои интересы. Любые ваши предложения по поводу моих товаров или ваших игр мне также не интересны. Сектанты, миссионеры и прочая ботва, навязывающая свою религию будет атакована жесточайшим троллингом.


1. Ukrainian (native)
2. Russian (advanced)
3. Pre-revolutionary (intermediate)
4. English (noob)
5. Japanese (google translator)
6. German (google translator)
7. Polish (understand some of the words in writing)
8. Belorussian (intermediate)
9. Portuguese (understand some of the words in writing)
10. Lingua Latina (I know a few phrases)
11. Russian meme (I know several meme types of language)
12. Morse code (some moments)
13. Pantomime (some moments)
14. Surzhik (native)
15. Banderivka (they taught me :D)

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