
I am sincerely grateful to the people who helped me in this. Thanks to all the people who took part in the motivation, development and help with various questions.
Shop and work with it are the main meaning for my existence in the SL.
Otherwise, SL bothered me like a game and I would leave this place. Since it is usually very boring and almost impossible to find something to your liking.
My store is my closest friend, my wife, my family. Because the store will never betray and will not set you up.
I have devoted many years to the creation of goods. Yes, I don't have a personal life.
Before the store, I wandered from one game to another and didn't know where to put myself.
I don't care if anyone can blame such a relationship.

1. No refunds.
2. Your bad review will disable any help to you.

Not sure if you want to buy a thing? Ask all the necessary questions about the thing to me. I answer questions about my things, not about the clothes and hair of my avatar.

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